
Christmas Corporate Event: Why not hold it in January?

The problem with Christmas Parties

Christmas corporate event, Christmas Party or The Christmas Do. It doesn’t matter what you want to call it – it’s a big deal. It’s a grand occasion and the one time in the year when everybody in the office can let their down. But is December the best time to hold your event? You’d think so (for obvious reasons). But maybe it isn’t… is a January Christmas Party the answer?

A January Christmas Party? 

Okay, it might seem a little strange to be celebrating Christmas all over again in January (or even February). The tinsel has come down and all the pine needles have been hoovered up. Christmas is the last thing on anybody’s mind in January.

But there are some good reasons why holding a January Christmas Party makes complete sense:

Everybody is busy in December

The preparation for Christmas can be a manic and stressful time for many people. It’s a hectic period for sure. There’s not just the buying of presents, food preparation and decorations to consider. People’s social schedules can be very busy too. It can seem impossible to fit everything in. The Christmas Party can easily become a distraction and one that people attend only out of obligation.

Everybody is a bit deflated in January

By contrast, everybody tends to feel a bit deflated post-Christmas. It’s very much an ‘After the show is over’ feeling. January is a dark, long month. It contains officially the most depressing day of the year – the third Monday of the month, ‘Blue Monday’.

If ever there was a month when people need their spirits lifting by a party, it’s January. This is why a January Christmas Party is such a good idea!

Holding an event in January makes good economic sense

The Christmas Party Season is big business for venues and caterers. Their diaries can fill very quickly in December and because they know they can charge a premium – they do. Friday and Saturday nights can be particularly pricey. January is a much quieter month for bookings. This means there are some great deals to be had, reduced costs for venue hire, catering and even entertainment.

A corporate event doesn’t have to be a Christmas event

Christmas is a time to look back on the year just gone and reflect. This is fine, of course. However, shifting the focus of the event to the New Year means that the message becomes about looking forward and having a great year ahead. 

Corporate Event Entertainment

No corporate event would be truly complete without entertainment. Silk Street Entertainment has years of experience of corporate parties. Silk Street Jazz and Silk Street Swing both have a proud pedigree of performing at corporate events.

The Jazz Spivs are our specialists in recreating the 1920s – an ideal theme for an event. But at Silk Street Entertainment we cater for all styles. Get in touch to see how we can help you with.

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